The International Chemistry and Physics Olympiads have risen from very humble beginnings in 1967 when only three nations from Eastern Europe participated. The International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) continues to be an annual competition, now involving up to 100 nations, whose goal is to encourage excellence in high school chemistry education and learning throughout the world. IChO is the most prestigious global chemistry competition Canadian students can compete in at the high school or CÉGEP level.
Canada first participated in the International Chemistry Olympiad in 1985. Since this time, Canadian chemistry students have won 9 gold, 32 silver, and 63 bronze medals, along with 8 Honourable Mentions. A complete list of past Canadian students is below. In 1997, the Physics and Chemistry International Olympiads were held in Sudbury and Montreal, Canada . This was the first time that both IChO and IPhO were hosted by the same nation in the same year.
L'Olympiade internationale de chimie (OIC) est toujours une compétition annuelle, à laquelle participent maintenant jusqu'à 100 nations, dont le but est d'encourager l'excellence dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage de la chimie dans les écoles secondaires du monde entier. L'IChO est la plus prestigieuse compétition mondiale de chimie à laquelle les étudiants canadiens peuvent participer au niveau secondaire ou au niveau des CÉGEP.
Le Canada a participé pour la première fois à l'Olympiade internationale de chimie en 1985. Depuis, les étudiants canadiens en chimie ont remporté 9 médailles d'or, 32 d'argent et 63 de bronze, ainsi que 8 mentions honorables. Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste complète des anciens étudiants canadiens. En 1997, les Olympiades internationales de physique et de chimie ont eu lieu à Sudbury et à Montréal, au Canada. C'était la première fois que les IChO et les IPhO étaient organisées par le même pays la même année.
Hosted by Switzerland in person in Zurich
Hosted online by China (theoretical exam only)
Hosted online by Japan (theoretical exam only)
Hosted online by Turkey (theoretical exam only)
Hosted jointly by Slovakia and the Czech Republic
Invited - Canada did not participate at IChO given complications of the hosting location - IChO was scheduled to take place in Pakistan and a Government of Canada Travel Advisory prevented Canadian Team participation. In February 2016, due to several other countries expressing concern, Georgia offered to host but the switch was too late for Canada to change plans. Canada Hosted the National Canadian Olympiad at Western University in Ontario
Hosted by Vietnam
Hosted by Russia
Hosted by the United States of America
Hosted by Turkey
Hosted by Japan
Hosted by the United Kingdom
Hosted by Hungary
Hosted by Russia
Hosted by South Korea
Hosted by Taiwan
Hosted by Germany
Hosted by Greece
Hosted by Netherlands
Hosted by India
Hosted by Denmark
Hosted by Thailand
Hosted by Australia
Hosted by Canada
Hosted by Russia
Hosted by China